My foster mom drove me home the first time. She had to go to work soon after. I took a shower and went to my new foster dad's room. I said good night, I had not talked to him yet. When Mom left she said if I need anything to ask me new dad, he's in his room. She smiled and kissed my forehead. Have a good night sweety. My dad Ron asked if I wanted to watch TV with him. I was very naive so I said sure .. I hopped on his bed and we watched TV. I was a lil shocked to see an older man and a young girl in the film. They had gotten home but soon after he was kissing her and taking her clothes off. My faster dad was already hugging me and my was telling me sweet things. You angel good after your shower Sherry. I giggled. He was a very nice man. After that he gave me the some wine. He said I looked next I'm my bathrobe. It was kinda small, red silk. I told him thank you for taking me in and said I would be a good lil girl. He said said good. The girl in the movie is a good girl too. Will you be that good.. of my purse I said .. I got in his lap and kissed him. Good girl he said and touched me . he caressed lol I'm of me. My whole body was shaking I was so horny.. I didn't know though. I felt his penis grow bigger and bigger.. it touched my virgin vaginal!! Do you like that princess... I be did. He asked me to say " fuck me daddy" .. when I started to say that I only got to fu when I'm I felt his huge weenie in penetrate me!?? He wanted to get me preggos because he would cum in me every time. After about a year we found out I couldn't have kids . I thought he would be mad at me but instead.. he is had a party for me.. and his friends .. Oh my effing god... I loved older men.. a lot. They liked that t I was 18 lol... Older men are great lovers... they say I'm the best lil slut ever. Perfect world poppa!
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My foster mom drove me home the first time. She had to go to work soon after. I took a shower and went to my new foster dad's room. I said good night, I had not talked to him yet. When Mom left she said if I need anything to ask me new dad, he's in his room. She smiled and kissed my forehead. Have a good night sweety. My dad Ron asked if I wanted to watch TV with him. I was very naive so I said sure .. I hopped on his bed and we watched TV. I was a lil shocked to see an older man and a young girl in the film. They had gotten home but soon after he was kissing her and taking her clothes off. My faster dad was already hugging me and my was telling me sweet things. You angel good after your shower Sherry. I giggled. He was a very nice man. After that he gave me the some wine. He said I looked next I'm my bathrobe. It was kinda small, red silk. I told him thank you for taking me in and said I would be a good lil girl. He said said good. The girl in the movie is a good girl too. Will you be that good.. of my purse I said .. I got in his lap and kissed him. Good girl he said and touched me . he caressed lol I'm of me. My whole body was shaking I was so horny.. I didn't know though. I felt his penis grow bigger and bigger.. it touched my virgin vaginal!! Do you like that princess... I be did. He asked me to say " fuck me daddy" .. when I started to say that I only got to fu when I'm I felt his huge weenie in penetrate me!?? He wanted to get me preggos because he would cum in me every time. After about a year we found out I couldn't have kids . I thought he would be mad at me but instead.. he is had a party for me.. and his friends .. Oh my effing god... I loved older men.. a lot. They liked that t I was 18 lol... Older men are great lovers... they say I'm the best lil slut ever. Perfect world poppa!