- Title: Ryo Ayumi 【4 The Sake Of Her Loving Husband… She Becomes A Weekends Sex Toy. Getting Creampied By The Debt Collector Until She’s Knocked Up 【JUQ-208 【Uncensored】 - Synopsis: The happy days for the Ayumi couple R over after the husband’s company goes bankrupt. He gets betrayed by a Debt Collector who was a supposed friend, running into large amounts of debt. Ryo Ayumi... Wanting to somehow return to the happy days, meets the Debt Collector without her husband’s knowledge, & strikes a deal. Becoming a weekend whore for them. Until, of course... She ends up impregnated, & the whole plan implodes!!...
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- Title: Ryo Ayumi 【4 The Sake Of Her Loving Husband… She Becomes A Weekends Sex Toy. Getting Creampied By The Debt Collector Until She’s Knocked Up 【JUQ-208 【Uncensored】
- Synopsis: The happy days for the Ayumi couple R over after the husband’s company goes bankrupt. He gets betrayed by a Debt Collector who was a supposed friend, running into large amounts of debt. Ryo Ayumi... Wanting to somehow return to the happy days, meets the Debt Collector without her husband’s knowledge, & strikes a deal. Becoming a weekend whore for them. Until, of course... She ends up impregnated, & the whole plan implodes!!...