- Title: GirlsOnlyPorn - Aiden Ashley, Freya Parker, & Sera Ryder 【Study Session 【Temple Of Flesh 【Vol. IV 【Pt. III】 - Synopsis: Aiden Ashley is trying to tutor Freya Parker & Sera Ryder, both of whom have things other than academics on their minds. The girls get together for the study session with Ms. Aiden Ashley. B4 their tutor arrives, Freya Parker trails her fingertips up Sera Ryder’s body from her miniskirt to her tits, & suggests they do something extra special today. Unsnapping the top 2 snaps of Sera Ryder’s shirt, Freya Parker sets the stage for sex. Aiden Ashley arrives looking sexy as hell. Freya Parker & Sera Ryder both try coming on to her, but Aiden Ashley does her best to shut it down. The girls just don’t seem to be concentrating, though... So Aiden Ashley decides to take another approach. She orders the girls onto their hands & knees, then begins quizzing them. When Sera Ryder gets an answer correct, Aiden Ashley gets down & licks her pussy. When Freya Parker gets an answer wrong, Aiden Ashley spanks her bottom. When the study session winds down, Aiden Ashley tells the girls that they still seem to need additional lessons. They obediently go to the bedroom, where Aiden Ashley has them strip down to their thongs. She instructs Freya Parker to lick Sera Ryder’s pussy, then has Sera Ryder give Freya Parker the same treatment. Watching the 2 girls eat each other out gets Aiden Ashley so hot, that she has to slip her hand into her panties to masturbate her own clit. Ever the instructor, Aiden Ashley shimmies out of that remaining scrap of cloth, & tells the girls that it’s her turn. Freya Parker & Sera Ryder take turns lapping at Aiden Ashley’s cream filled slit & sucking on her hard nipples. Aiden Ashley gives them both feedback amounting to them being very good with their tongues, especially as they work her towards cumming. As a final exam, Aiden Ashley has Freya Parker & Sera Ryder flank her on either side. Reaching out, she puts 1 hand on each girl’s pussy to diddle them towards an orgasm. In return, Freya Parker & Sera Ryder R responsible for Aiden Ashley’s pleasure. By the time all 3 R moaning their completion, Aiden Ashley has decided that Freya Parker & Sera Ryder have passed this test!!...
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- Title: GirlsOnlyPorn - Aiden Ashley, Freya Parker, & Sera Ryder 【Study Session 【Temple Of Flesh 【Vol. IV 【Pt. III】
- Synopsis: Aiden Ashley is trying to tutor Freya Parker & Sera Ryder, both of whom have things other than academics on their minds. The girls get together for the study session with Ms. Aiden Ashley. B4 their tutor arrives, Freya Parker trails her fingertips up Sera Ryder’s body from her miniskirt to her tits, & suggests they do something extra special today. Unsnapping the top 2 snaps of Sera Ryder’s shirt, Freya Parker sets the stage for sex. Aiden Ashley arrives looking sexy as hell. Freya Parker & Sera Ryder both try coming on to her, but Aiden Ashley does her best to shut it down. The girls just don’t seem to be concentrating, though... So Aiden Ashley decides to take another approach. She orders the girls onto their hands & knees, then begins quizzing them. When Sera Ryder gets an answer correct, Aiden Ashley gets down & licks her pussy. When Freya Parker gets an answer wrong, Aiden Ashley spanks her bottom. When the study session winds down, Aiden Ashley tells the girls that they still seem to need additional lessons. They obediently go to the bedroom, where Aiden Ashley has them strip down to their thongs. She instructs Freya Parker to lick Sera Ryder’s pussy, then has Sera Ryder give Freya Parker the same treatment. Watching the 2 girls eat each other out gets Aiden Ashley so hot, that she has to slip her hand into her panties to masturbate her own clit. Ever the instructor, Aiden Ashley shimmies out of that remaining scrap of cloth, & tells the girls that it’s her turn. Freya Parker & Sera Ryder take turns lapping at Aiden Ashley’s cream filled slit & sucking on her hard nipples. Aiden Ashley gives them both feedback amounting to them being very good with their tongues, especially as they work her towards cumming. As a final exam, Aiden Ashley has Freya Parker & Sera Ryder flank her on either side. Reaching out, she puts 1 hand on each girl’s pussy to diddle them towards an orgasm. In return, Freya Parker & Sera Ryder R responsible for Aiden Ashley’s pleasure. By the time all 3 R moaning their completion, Aiden Ashley has decided that Freya Parker & Sera Ryder have passed this test!!...