- Title: JapanHDV - Yuuno Hoshi 【Gets To Taste Real Cocks After Getting Blackmailed 【Pt. II】 - Synopsis: After just finishing her masturbation & dressing up properly to continue her miko duties, Yuuno Hoshi gets startled by the boys who were watching her. After making her feel bad that she masturbated in a sacred place & threatening her with the photos, they made of her during the act blurts out she’s still a virgin... The horny hunks throw themselves at her. 1 of them slides his hands under her Hakama & pulls it up revealing her cure, golden panties. They fondle her, happy to be finally touching woman. 1st, they push her down then use her toys & stimulate her hairy slit. They soon gets surprised at hoe fast she gets horny & wet. They stretch her slit wide revealing the hot, pink tunnel, & then they lick & prod inside. They grab onto her black dildo & make her scream B4 she sucks their cocks. - Pt. I: JapanHDV - Yuuno Hoshi 【Cute Miko Masturbates After Cleaning 【Pt. I】 - Pt. III: JapanHDV - Yuuno Hoshi 【Gets Her Tight Slit Filled With Cock 【Pt. III】
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- Title: JapanHDV - Yuuno Hoshi 【Gets To Taste Real Cocks After Getting Blackmailed 【Pt. II】
- Synopsis: After just finishing her masturbation & dressing up properly to continue her miko duties, Yuuno Hoshi gets startled by the boys who were watching her. After making her feel bad that she masturbated in a sacred place & threatening her with the photos, they made of her during the act blurts out she’s still a virgin... The horny hunks throw themselves at her. 1 of them slides his hands under her Hakama & pulls it up revealing her cure, golden panties. They fondle her, happy to be finally touching woman. 1st, they push her down then use her toys & stimulate her hairy slit. They soon gets surprised at hoe fast she gets horny & wet. They stretch her slit wide revealing the hot, pink tunnel, & then they lick & prod inside. They grab onto her black dildo & make her scream B4 she sucks their cocks.
- Pt. I: JapanHDV - Yuuno Hoshi 【Cute Miko Masturbates After Cleaning 【Pt. I】
- Pt. III: JapanHDV - Yuuno Hoshi 【Gets Her Tight Slit Filled With Cock 【Pt. III】