- Title: DadCrush - Scarlett Sommers 【She Deserves A Good Spanking】 - Synopsis: Allen comes home from work to find his StepDaughter (A.K.A Scarlett Sommers), still doing nothing on the couch instead of cleaning the house like she was supposed to. Scarlett Sommers rebels & talks back to Allen, which makes him put her across his knee, & give her a good spanking session! Turns out Scarlett Sommers likes it, & now wants to go all the way with StepDaddy!
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- Title: DadCrush - Scarlett Sommers 【She Deserves A Good Spanking】
- Synopsis: Allen comes home from work to find his StepDaughter (A.K.A Scarlett Sommers), still doing nothing on the couch instead of cleaning the house like she was supposed to. Scarlett Sommers rebels & talks back to Allen, which makes him put her across his knee, & give her a good spanking session! Turns out Scarlett Sommers likes it, & now wants to go all the way with StepDaddy!