Antonio, you forgot to kiss and lick her feet, like you do with other girls. The girl herself takes off all her clothes and socks, and gives herself to you as she came into the world. At minute 32 you should have taken advantage to put your feet in your mouth
How beautiful, but I missed licking and kissing her feet, they are pretty, and a pussy lick was also missing, I would have added more money in exchange for those two. I would have eaten her feet, legs up, even more so if she was walking in the heat.
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Antonio, you forgot to kiss and lick her feet, like you do with other girls. The girl herself takes off all her clothes and socks, and gives herself to you as she came into the world. At minute 32 you should have taken advantage to put your feet in your mouth
What beautiful feet and pussy
How beautiful, but I missed licking and kissing her feet, they are pretty, and a pussy lick was also missing, I would have added more money in exchange for those two. I would have eaten her feet, legs up, even more so if she was walking in the heat.
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