- Title: JapanHDV - Mai Takizawa 【Sucks Off Her Boss In The Office Today 【Pt. I】 - Synopsis: Mai Takizawa knows that 1 of the office staff loves to watch her. Mai Takizawa is aware that in the office she creates quite the commotion when she bends over & shows off her ass or when she leans over, &the men try to see down her top. What a wonderful feeling for her to know that all the men in the office want to fuck her. As it happens, 1 of these office workers has just watched her service the president of the company. He has been in & since they’re alone, so had his pants down around his ankles & his cock in her mouth. What a lovely cock sucking she gave the President & Mai Takizawa noticed that someone had opened the door & was spying on them. When the President left, she asked her office companion to come in & stop spying, & she would give him his own show right there in the office. Mai Takizawa is such a hottie, & so cock hungry, she loves to tease & play with all the men in the office. She’s so horny from blowing the President that she now has her eyes on the office voyeur, & wants to get her own pussy worked on. She blew the boss but didn’t even get her pussy licked. She’s going to change that now with this office worker as she takes off his clothes, starts sucking on his nipples, & rubbing her body all over him to get him hard for her. Once he’s horny she takes off her skirt & pantyhose, & then her panties so he can drop down, & stick his tongue deep in her wet & horny pussy. She undoes her top & starts to rub her own nipples, she’s enjoying the cunnilingus so much from her office companion. She wants him to finger her now as she wants her pussy ready for what is to come next. Mai Takizawa is quite loud & moans from the finger fucking she’s getting. Now it’s time for the real thing, & she lays him down & hops on his hard cock so she can fuck him to her delight.
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- Title: JapanHDV - Mai Takizawa 【Sucks Off Her Boss In The Office Today 【Pt. I】
- Synopsis: Mai Takizawa knows that 1 of the office staff loves to watch her. Mai Takizawa is aware that in the office she creates quite the commotion when she bends over & shows off her ass or when she leans over, &the men try to see down her top. What a wonderful feeling for her to know that all the men in the office want to fuck her. As it happens, 1 of these office workers has just watched her service the president of the company. He has been in & since they’re alone, so had his pants down around his ankles & his cock in her mouth. What a lovely cock sucking she gave the President & Mai Takizawa noticed that someone had opened the door & was spying on them. When the President left, she asked her office companion to come in & stop spying, & she would give him his own show right there in the office. Mai Takizawa is such a hottie, & so cock hungry, she loves to tease & play with all the men in the office. She’s so horny from blowing the President that she now has her eyes on the office voyeur, & wants to get her own pussy worked on. She blew the boss but didn’t even get her pussy licked. She’s going to change that now with this office worker as she takes off his clothes, starts sucking on his nipples, & rubbing her body all over him to get him hard for her. Once he’s horny she takes off her skirt & pantyhose, & then her panties so he can drop down, & stick his tongue deep in her wet & horny pussy. She undoes her top & starts to rub her own nipples, she’s enjoying the cunnilingus so much from her office companion. She wants him to finger her now as she wants her pussy ready for what is to come next. Mai Takizawa is quite loud & moans from the finger fucking she’s getting. Now it’s time for the real thing, & she lays him down & hops on his hard cock so she can fuck him to her delight.